Participation in this event is restricted to grantees of the IJ4EU Investigation Support Scheme (second cohort) and Publication Support Scheme in 2020/21.

Time: 14:30-16:00 CET

In any long-form composition, structure is primordial. Improvised or intuitive narratives quickly break down under the weight of the material, and transitions fail. Our first task today is to select an overall structure from available models. We will then look at how to use the Masterfile to select the material in the order of use. Then we’ll look at marketing, meaning how to maximize your reach and impact. We know from IJ4EU’s survey of grantees that some are having trouble placing work, and we will propose solutions. We will also consider how the story can gather momentum through allies. (Hint: It’s not just a matter of posting links.) 


Mark Lee Hunter is a founding member of The Global Investigative Journalism Network, and the principal author of Story-Based Inquiry: A Manual for Investigative Journalists (UNESCO 2009). He has trained thousands of journalists to manage and write investigations.

Luuk Sengers is an independent environmental journalist and teacher in investigative methods, data journalism and interviewing techniques. He has trained thousands of journalists and researchers on five continents. Together with Mark Lee Hunter, he developed the Story-Based Inquiry method for investigative journalists, which is widely acclaimed as a benchmark for education in the profession.

This webinar is part of the coaching and training support that the IJ4EU fund provides to grantees to boost their skills and ensure the success of individual projects. 

web: KontraBit